Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It’s up to you to make the next move….  This is the fortune one of my friends received in their fortune cookie.  Liking the message it portrayed, I asked if I might have it to share.  My friend agreed….

So back to the fortune….  I love its simplicity, the thing in life I’ve found to be the most profound—simplicity.  Think about it.  All we do, all that we are, is directly correspondent to our next step.

Is it positive?  Negative?  Full of vengeful retribution?  I believe, just a my friend’s fortune foretold, that our future is directly dependant upon our next move.  Like a carefully orchestrated chess game, we can either squander the effort or make it count. The choice is ours.

Course, this doesn’t mean things will turn out our way or go according to our plan.  Though the two may parallel, one is not dependant upon the other.  Life is…well…life.  Sometimes it sucks.  Other times it makes us stand in awe.  But one thing is for sure; we are not the ones on control.  Least not ultimately. 

Things happen.   Stuff hits the fan.  We falter.  Thus is the way of life.  But…what we do after we falter… that’s what’s paramount, for that’s our next step.  The time when we rein control of our lives, if only for a moment or two.  But oh, what glorious moments those are….

Those are the times when we know with absolute certainly that whatever our future, we played an active role in planning out its course.  Good, bad or indifferent, the next move is up to us, so why not make it count?          


  1. You should publish one of those little books you can pick up at Hallmarks and call it, "Philosophy of Life I Learned from a Fortune Cookie". I'd bet it'd be a best seller!

  2. Hey Tracy,

    Hmmm...that's a good idea.... : -)
