Friday, July 6, 2012

I’ve said it before and I’ll state it again.  Friends make life not only more fun but also more bearable!  Humans are of a basic pack mentality, meaning that though there are those who prefer to go it alone, in the end, each and every one of us can benefit from interacting with others.  And, if we’re lucky—really lucky—those interactions sometimes forge strong friendships. 

Not every bond is alike or serves the same needs.  Each is unique in that it allows various aspects of us to connect with others.  Through those connections, we gain strength.  Shore others up.  Are able to share life’s happenings on a deeper base than we would with total strangers or by walking through life solo.  And through those interactions, life’s trials, tribulations and joys are put into better perspective.  

Alone time is important.  Something that should be guarded, but so too is the time we share our lives with others.  When we open ourselves up and let them see—really see—who we are—to our core.  For it is only through the act of making ourselves vulnerable that we can benefit from the bounty that being friends with others can provide.     


  1. Without friends we'd just be hermits~!

  2. Hey Tracy,

    Indeed! And buried away in some remote mountain cabin never wanting to interact with anyone....
