Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lackadaisical days of summer….  It’s what many of us lived for as kids.  Know I did.  That time when school didn’t crowd my joy of being able to spend entire days outside: exploring, climbing, pushing my physical limits, honing my skills, relaxing, etc. 

My step dad once made me promise to never lose site of the little kid who dwelled within me.  He adored my thirst for life.  My positive attitude.  My enthusiastic bundle of energy that never seemed to be exhausted.  I recall distinctly when he asked that of me.  And of my commitment to do as he asked.  Since then, you know what?  I’ve managed to maintain that promise.

Yes, there have been spells when acting upon it has been harder than others.  That’s just life.  But for the most part, I make it a point to take pleasure in the simple things.   Those things that most excited me as a little girl.  The ones that drove me to play hard till I was exhausted.  And when I got tired, instead of stopping, I’d simply slow my pace a bit, allowing myself a respite during which to recharge.

I still play hard.  I love to explore, climb, push my physical limits, hone my skills, relax, etc.  Only these days, I do it with added knowledge I didn’t have as a kid.  Back then, I just knew how much I enjoyed doing all the above-mentioned.  But now, not only do I still maintain that mentality, but also I do so with the added knowledge that remaining true to the kid in me—that unquestionable part that oft drives me—is not only fun but also imperative to my sense of fulfillment.  And though I endeavor to pull this off during all seasons, summer—the lackadaisical days of summer—is when it all just seems to…click best.   


  1. Sounds like a wonderful summer day!

  2. Hey Tracy,

    It's the thing songs, movies and novels glamorize...and they should! (smiles)
