Friday, July 13, 2012

Smiles….  Ever notice how effective a smile can be?  How, it’s hard to receive a smile without feeling inclined to smile back?  Or how, when you see someone else having a hard time, you want to flash him or her a smile in order to brighten his or her day?

There are those who have contagious smiles.  The moment they dawn one, it’s like the sun breaking through a solid cloudbank, warming everything its rays fall upon.  Catching a glimpse of one of these, at least to me, is a special treat.  One that makes me pause and want to drink it all in.  Appreciate the intent with which it’s been offered as well as the brilliance of the actual smile itself.

For some, smiling is second nature.  As natural as breathing.  These individuals can’t think of any other way.  To offer less than showing their joy feels as if they’re shortchanging not only themselves but also those around them.

Then there are the ones who rarely smile.  These individuals need to either be reminded or remind themselves to lighten up every once in a while.  That cracking a smile is okay.  In fact, in many circumstances, it’s a welcome addition.

Smiles cost nothing and yet are sometimes withheld as if they cost the world.  I wonder why this is.  Why do some withhold offering smiles while others shower them with the greatest of ease?  Have those who withhold them not received enough smiles from others?  Are they unaware of the power a smile contains?  Or are they being stingy?  Wanting to withhold giving a smile for…for…I don’t know why they would hesitate.

Smiles…whether you’re one that freely offers them or of the mind they should be sparing doled out, smiles are effective.  They can brighten one’s day.  Make the unmanageable seem bearable.  And frankly, as corny as it may sound, smiles make one feel warm and fuzzy inside, often to the point where they can’t help but return the gesture.

So go ahead.  Give smiling a whirl.  You might be surprised with the results.    


  1. You're right. I don't think much about it but after reading your blog yesterday I went about my business today and that was in the back of my mind--smiles. It's interesting how smiles can make such a difference in a transaction, a meeting with someone. I'll be sure to smile more.

  2. Hey Tracy,

    Glad you gave it a thought and will give it a whirl. : -)
