Monday, July 9, 2012

He who is afraid of asking is afraid of learning.  This saying was imprinted on a fortune cookie slip I got the other day.  Like to keep some of those—the slips.  Over the years, I’ve found they contain a lot of wisdom with a good sprinkling of humor.  Back to this particular fortune….

Kind of goes along with the mentality that the only stupid question is the one that’s never asked.  After all, how can a person expect to expand their knowledge horizon if they don’t ask questions?  And…to be afraid to make inquiries…that’s just plain silly.  After all, what’s the worst that can happen if you ask a question? 

Perhaps it’s a silly query or one that’s not exactly timely, but if there’s a question burning within you, why not ask it?  You might be surprised with what’s revealed. 

To be afraid to learn…to me, that’s equivalent to being afraid to live, for without learning, then what’s the point of us being here?  Living life?  Taking up space?  Knowledge is what allows our inner barometers to steer us where we need to go.  Without that, we’re like rudderless boats, forever drifting wherever the current would have us go, us having no control over our own destiny.  Who wants to be a rudderless boat?  Not me.  So take control of your destiny by being brave enough to ask questions to learn new things.  


  1. Keeping an open mind and being open to new ideas is the only way we grow.

  2. Always a good place to start.

  3. Hey Eli O,

    And fron there...the sky's the limit. : -)(
