Saturday, July 28, 2012

Once again, those little slips of paper I find in fortune cookies came through with another gem.  This one said: If you never change your mind, then why have one?  How perfect is this?  Profound.  Succinct.  Logical.  Absolutely true.  Doesn’t get much better.

There are times, and I’m guilty of this, when folks stubbornly stick to their original plan.  No matter that life and every surrounding circumstance is screaming that doing so is the wrong idea.  So why do we do this?  Simple.  Pigheadedness.  Really, there’s no other name to call it.  We get stuck in our own groove, unable or unwilling to see what steps need to be done to get us out.  Instead, we carry on, doggedly putting one foot in front of the other, clinging to what we originally thought was the best plan of action instead of assessing the situation during and making necessary changes.

After I’ve found myself doing this, I can’t help but laugh at how silly my actions were.  How I managed to make things worse by refusing to change my mind mid-event.  Like my fortune cookie said: If I never change my mind, then why have one?        


  1. Hahaha. Awesome. You get the best forutne cookies!

  2. I have significant trouble changing my mind.

  3. Hey Tracy,

    I do get more good than bad ones. : -)

  4. Hey Anonymous,

    Fret not, for you're amongst good company. : -)
