Wednesday, July 11, 2012

There are times when reason defies logic.  That was the case last night.  I was driving home along one of the may interconnected southern Californian freeways, all of which are undergoing major facelifts due to a huge bond.  Since this freeway overhaul has been happening over the past year, those of us who travel the highways are now familiar with the unexpected on the freeways: sudden closures, lanes that magically disappear with warning that would only allow for cars traveling at 20-25 mph, not the 65 mph that is reality.  And the list goes on.  Though all of this has been frustrating, I’m grateful for the improvements that are being made on our freeways. 

But every once in a while, the Cal Trans workers, those individuals contracted by our state to maintain and improve upon our freeways systems, outdo themselves.  They do so with unreasonable acts that defy reason.  Already on hyper alert due to coming across freeway construction on my drive home, I happened upon one of these events.

As has been the case with most of the freeway improvements, Cal Trans seems to be unaware that we’re traveling at 65 mph.  As such, when they decide to eliminate multiple lanes for us to drive in, they do so, oft with the elimination of all but one travel lane, in a half to three quarter-mile range.  With the 24/7 congestion on southern Californian freeways, one can imagine the chaos and near accidents this creates.

This taking away of lanes is what I stumbled upon last night.  But…I…having successfully traversed many of the construction zones, was not shaken by the sudden lane elimination.  I got all the way to the right lane, along with my fellow travelers, as quickly as possible.  Relieved to have safely navigated another construction detour, I was just sighing my relief when what to my wondering eyes should appear but two Cal Trans workers.  In my lane!  Walking, without aid of reflective vests and …in a non-lit area, some sort of eight-foot measuring tape stretched between them.  I was horrified that I might hit them like stacked bowling pins waiting to be picked up as a spare.

The workers were so far into my lane—the only lane available—that I had no choice but to hit my brakes and swerve to the right shoulder, which, by the way, no longer existed—a solid concrete barrier now in its place.

Oh my!

Holding my breath and counting down to the inevitable scraping on the passenger side of my car along the concrete barrier, I held my breath as I passed the workers.  But, angels smiled down on the Cal Trans workers and me.  I didn’t hit them, and my car managed to avoid hitting the concrete barrier.  Don’t know how either occurred.  Don’t care.  Am grateful neither happened.  But I was furious with the irresponsible Cal Trans workers who put not only themselves but also me and those traveling behind me at risk.
What were they thinking?

Like I said, sometimes reason defies logic.   


  1. That's incredible! Good thing you were safe! What are these people thinking???

  2. Hey Tracy,

    Isn't it though? I couldn't begin to tell you what, if anything, was going through their minds.... So reckless and irresponsible!
