Sunday, July 8, 2012

Usually, when I see a good quote, one that’s inspirational, I like to jot it down so I won’t forget.  Some I end up sharing here later.  Earlier today, I came across just such a quote.  Course, I didn’t write it down….  Though I can’t remember exactly what it said, I got the general gist: today’s trials end up being the things we’ll laugh off tomorrow. 

I like the quote.  It’s simplicity.  Oft, I find that simple is best.  But, as with many of the quotes and inspirational sayings I enjoy, this one had a deeper meaning, other than the obvious. 

In it, I read hope for folks who have to endure tough times.  For with this saying, one is reminded not only that things will pass, but that unless we allow them to run their course, us sometimes caught up in the interim storm, then we won’t have the pleasure of being able to look back on them.  In doing so, we gain strength, knowing that we endured.  Overcame.  Triumphed.  And yes, there are times when we get battered and bruised along the way.  But as my father used to say, scars are what give a person character.  For without those, everyone might appear the same.
So, keeping this quote in mind and the mentality my father maintained, I’ll embrace rather than flee from today’s trials, hopeful that tomorrow I’ll be able to laugh them off.


  1. Ha! It's like walking to the opposite end of the house only to forget what you were doing there! I hate that!

  2. Hey Tracy,

    And that right there is why I'm such a HUGE fan of my "palm pilot" where I write things I need to remember on the palm of my hand, knowing that I then need to accomplish said task before I wash the reminder off. LOL.
