Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thievery is bad enough, but when one falls victim to someone they know…that’s inexcusable.  That happened to a girlfriend last night.  I noticed her sudden squeamish demeanor that had her desperate to shrug something off herself, as if it were literally creeping along her skin.  Inquiring what was wrong, I was told that one of our friends had stolen her not only her Iphone but also $50 from her purse. 

I was stunned, as this group of friends is close-knit and we all believed—until last night—that they were beyond trustworthy.  But apparently, we were wrong with that character assessment, for walking amongst us is a thief.  Not any thief.  The kind that will steal from strangers. Those are bad enough.  But this individual used their close connection to gain trust.  Trust that allowed them to do the unthinkable.

We’d been at my girlfriend’s house.  On the back patio, she had her Iphone plugged into one of those devices that allows it to amplify songs that are downloaded onto it.  Like the phone’s a stereo of sorts.  Sorry, don’t know what they’re called.  Anyhow, we’d all gone inside for a bit to grab some food.  Several friends lingered out on the patio.  Then a few left.  A short time later, my girlfriend went to check on her new Iphone music set up, excited about its ability to play music anywhere.  That’s when she discovered it had been taken.

We helped her move things around, hoping that perhaps it had been knocked of its base.  But it hadn’t.  A thorough search revealed that it was, in fact—gone.  My girlfriend reeled with the knowledge that one her trusted friends, whom she’d graciously opened her home to, had violated her in such a manner.

Her husband wasn’t there—at work—so she went to send him a text with one of her other phones that was in her purse.  That’s when she discovered the missing money.  A double whammy in less than five minutes.  My girlfriend expressed how she felt violated.  Like she couldn’t, no, didn’t want to believe the worst of any of her friends.  I mean, after all, these are friends she’d known and trusted—for years.  And now…this.

I realize times are tough and people are desperate, but to steal from others…especially those whom have placed their trust in you and opened their homes to you as if you’re family….  That’s so far beyond wrong, I can’t begin to grasp it.

Yes, I’m aware folks steal all the time.  Have fallen prey to it myself numerous times.  With each new occurrence, the same sickening feeling returns.  The one I watched my girlfriend try to shake off as if it were some foul clothing she could merely shrug out of, once clear of it, hoping things would return to normal.  That she wouldn’t feel like she’d lose her stomach.

Like I said, thievery is bad enough, but when one falls victim to someone they know…that’s inexcusable.         


  1. That's terrible! What kind of person would do that?

  2. Hey Tracy,

    That's what my girlfriend, other friends present and I would like to know.
