Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Had this thought pop into my head earlier today: finding one’s center/balance equates to them being able to navigate life’s troubled waters while remaining true to their nature.  I find this important, for it’s when we’re stretched to our maximum levels that our tendency is to give in to outside pressures that might have us sacrifice what we believe in.  How we know we should treat others.  How we should conduct ourselves in order to be proud of our actions. 

Taking the time to find our center/balance in the midst of life’s storms may seem like a waste of time.  Or that it takes more effort than it’s worth.  Neither is true.  In fact, I believe it’s exactly during these troubled times that we must, must, must take extra moments…or more…to ground ourselves.  Reconnect with the morals and standards we hold dear.  Those things that guide our actions and afford us the luxury to hold our heads high, confident that we did the best we could, no matter how challenging the situation.

So for me, when times progress to their toughest and I feel like everything is caving in on me, I take a few deep breaths and remind myself to find my center/balance, for without that, navigating life’s troubles waters will seem insurmountable and I may be tempted to relent to pressures to sacrifice being true to my nature.      


  1. I never take time out for me. Do mani/pedis count? ;-)

  2. Hey Tracy,

    Absolutely! Pampering one's self is awesome use of me-time. : -)
