Saturday, Aug. 4, 2012

I’m a firm believer that hope drives all.  Without hope, we have no reason to continue in life.  Excel.  Reach beyond what we thought possible.  Hope is the driving force that propels us into becoming a better us.  Striving to obtain those things important to us.  Without hope, life would seem empty.  An endless trudge of putting one foot in front of the other to…to…I’m not sure what we’d be moving forward for in that case.

Sure there are passages in life when hope seems to abandon us, leaving us susceptible to life’s harsher influences.  Without our “cloak” of hope, those hardships can seem overwhelming.  But they’re not.  No matter how many curveballs life throws us, so long as we cling to hope, there’s always a way out.

Course those solutions aren’t always quick to come, nor do they materialize according to our time frame.  But…if we’re patient and maintain faith that hope will show us a clearer path, then we’ll have the where-for-all needed to progress through whatever challenges we encounter.     

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