Monday, July 12, 2010

My sore back has still been troubling me today, though I am now able to stand upright without having to make a conscious effort to do so. For that I’m grateful. In an effort to further nurse my back, I decided to continue reading in a book that I’m using as research, the author having been recommended by a friend. I read for a few hours and than was struck with an overwhelming need to resume work on a manuscript I haven’t written in since last December! That often happens when I’m reading. Seems to be one of the things that gets my creative juices working on overtime.

Fetching my computer, I opened a new word document and began pecking away at the keys, the missing parts to my story spilling themselves onto my computer screen as fast as I could type them. By the time I was done, I’d cranked out six full pages and was then inspired to do something I hadn’t yet done with this manuscript—put it together.

I’ve mentioned before how each and every manuscript I write presents itself to me in its own unique manner. And this one was no exception. In fact, it had come to me in the strangest of ways. Often presenting itself one sentence or paragraph at a time, I had written a total of seventy seemingly disjointed pages before I ever had an incline of an idea how it was all to fit together.

When I left off with it back in December, I had individual files with the bits and pieces I’d written, totaling 167 pages, and only a series of index cards held together by an “O” ring that suggested how they might fit together. I knew that there were significant parts of the storyline missing, most notably, the background and character traits of the main character. In addition, I had only the name, ethnicity and career of a woman who would be integral in stringing the entire story together. Pieces like those are not good to have missing from a story. But I wasn’t worried, for I knew, given enough time, they would reveal themselves to me so they could be added to the story to complete it.

By the time I had finished writing my inspired six pages today, I not only had the above gaps in the story figured out in my mind, but I set about cutting and pasting all the parts of the story together into one cohesive manuscript!

What I have now is a very workable piece that I can hardly wait to finish, the remaining transitions and still unwritten scenes just itching to pour themselves out of my mind and into my computer.

Damn it feels good to get back to writing this story!

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