Sunday, July 25, 2010

I’ve spent the past several days letting friends know that as of August 2nd, they won’t be seeing me for a while. I’ll be relocating to Arizona for an extended period to help one of my daughter’s move back to begin her final year of college and then to stay with and help my other daughter who is in need.

I’m fortunate in that I can take my work with me wherever I go, and always do. The only small hiccup here is that the daughter I’ll be staying with for a lengthy visit doesn’t have Internet at her apartment. But we’re resourceful and have located a nearby Starbucks where I’ll go a couple of times a day with my laptop to keep up with things. (Besides, it’s a great excuse to get good coffee.)

To assist me further, my new I-phone 4 is arriving this week. With that, I’ll have high-speed Internet capabilities wherever I am. This will be a huge improvement over my current phone, which takes up to five minutes to load a single web page.

It’s been sad having to tell everyone, “so long.” I’ve never been comfortable with good-byes, getting so emotional and wishing our time together didn’t have to end. But this time has been a bit easier, seeing as I have technology that will help me stay connected with everyone. In addition, I have trusted writing friends whom will review the chapters I write for the third book in my trilogy while I’m away. This way I can stay on schedule to get the manuscript done so it can be released the beginning of 2011.

Although there are still many things that need to get done before I leave, I feel strangely calm, almost like I’m in a holding pattern, but in a good way. I’m comfortable with my decision to help my daughters—no question there. And I’m confident that things will continue to run smoothly back home in my absence. Just hope I manage to get home in time for our youngest son to start school. If not, this would be the first time in 23 years of parenting that I’d miss the first day of school. That would be really weird.

But things will play out as they’re going to, and I’m okay with that. I learned long ago that it’s

better to go with the flow than to struggle against it.

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