Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Can’t begin to express how great it is to have gotten back to writing in the manuscript I left off with in last December! Now all I want to do is write, write and write some more in it, but I’m having to temper that urge in order to get other things written. But have no fear, once a story concept is in my head, it doesn’t go away.

Little Girl Lost is proof of that. I wrote the first fifteen pages to that manuscript when I was seventeen years old. And then those pages sat in a drawer, literally, while I lived other parts of my life, for twenty-five years! The story, though I had very few written notes, stayed intact in my mind all that time.

So, what is keeping me from getting back to writing more in the December story? Well…I’ve spent the last few days going over all that I’ve written of the third book in the Little Girl Lost Trilogy and have been seasoning it with juicy parts that are sure to entice, tantalize and tease your senses…and perhaps even your sensibilities. Ha!

Until that book is released (due out the beginning of 2011), I have a request. If you have purchased and read either Little Girl Lost and/or Dark Awakenings and would like to help me out, I’d greatly appreciate your logging onto Amazon or Barnes and Nobel and doing a brief write-up of what you thought of the story.

The more write-ups I get on the books, the better my chances of having more folks find out about the books, which encourages bookstores to stock my books on their shelves and promote them for me. So really, we’re a team. You would like me to keep on writing, and I need to have your thoughts logged in as reviews. And please don’t let the term “review” intimidate you. Your “plug” could be as brief as a sentence or two or as long as an essay. But if you like my books and would like to see more get published, I do need those reviews. So please take a few minutes and jot something down. Thanks!!!

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