Sunday, July 18, 2010

When I flew out of Fresno yesterday to come to Arizona, I was aware that I’d be going from one blazing locale to another. But I’d hoped to leave the unusual humidity of Fresno behind. Didn’t quite work out that way.

I went from 104 degrees and sticky humidity to 110 degrees with even nastier 99% humidity!

Ew! Gross! Give me a shower!

Despite the heat and humidity, it’s been great to reconnect with my youngest daughter! That was my reason for coming here. We always have so much fun when we’re together, especially since we’re both talkers. But when we get together, although we do verbally share a lot with one another, we have the uncanny ability to remain completely quiet for long stretches, thinking our own thoughts, only to discover when we resume talking that we’ve been thinking similar thoughts!

It’s always been this way. When it’s just her and me, driving long distances, entire hours can pass with us saying nothing aloud to one another, yet having complete conversations, knowing a good portion of the other’s thoughts and commenting on them when we do speak aloud.

Not really sure why this is. Could be because we’re so similar. Not only do we look alike, but also we were both due to be delivered on the same date. She ended up being born the day after that due date, while I was born the day before. Then there’s the whole we look alike to the point that people who meet her for the first time, already knowing me, identify her as my daughter. This happens so often that folks refer to us as “me” and
mini me.” That used to bug the heck out of her, but she learned to embrace it. Stranger still, she and I tried to enter the world in the exact same facedown position and had to be turned. So many similarities!

I suspect that may have a lot to do with why we are always in tune with the other. Whatever the reason, it’s great to have someone with whom I’m so close that we finish the other’s thoughts, sentences and can sense what the other is feeling.

From the second my plane landed, we were texting the other with how excited each of us was to be able to see one another, like two little kids getting to meet Santa. I told her she couldn’t be more excited than I was. She countered with, “No way!”

And that’s how my visit has gone. We’ve pack as much into the time we have together, talking long into the night, snacking and exploring technology. We’ve adored being within talking distance from the other and sensing the other’s thoughts and feelings. Yup, this has been an awesome trip that I’ll be sad to see end. But fear not, the Hanna girls will reunite, and we’ll tear things up when we do.

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