Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sometimes, in order to progress forward, one must take a step back or look at the past. That’s what I did today.

This week’s been hectic with many things outside my control casting a dark shadow while others, which I can influence, have kept me hopping. Still more have pulled on my emotions, though I’ve pushed that aside in an attempt to carry on with keeping everything else under control.

Has this been an unusual week for me? No, not really. So, why then, do I bring it up? Well, to help point out that even the most ordinary weeks can catch us off-guard and push us to our limits if we don’t take the time to assess how we’re dealing with things.

When we become stalled by outside influences and situations, we become incapable of moving forward, too sidetracked by drama. It’s at these times that we need to slow things down to look at what’s happening, things that have occurred and how they are affecting us. By doing so objectively, we release the pressure of things surrounding us and incapacitate their ability to derail us.

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