Wednesday, July 29, 2010

For the past couple of days, my birds haven't wanted to eat their food, tossing it all over the floor. Today, I opened the special bin I keep our birds' food in and found that the $40 of food I'd just recently put in it, was completely contaminated with moths and the various stages of larva, etc.


Mystery solved as to why my birds didn't want to eat that food. I’m sure they could tell that it was contaminated with larva, which I couldn't visibly detect. Smart birds!

I called the store and told them I was coming down, with the food in the bin, to show them the mess and expected to be given replacement food. The first manager I talked to was rude and suggested that I feed it to my birds anyhow.


I told him I was coming in, and he said he'd be there to see if he wanted to replace it. Of course, when I arrived a short time later, he had left.


I was directed to a new manager who was very nice. I took the bin outside and opened it up to show him the mess. Out flew tons of moths, and he cringed when he saw how the food was now literally crawling with larva that had hatched out. Incredulous that the other manager had suggested that I feed the contaminated food to my birds, he helped me find new replacement food that we checked carefully, and we dumped the bad food in the trash bin outside.

Yeah, now my birdies are happy, munching away on non-contaminated bird food!

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