Sunday, July 11, 2010

Every now and again, despite the fact that I’m beyond disciplined with training and keeping my body fit, past injuries, most notably my lower back ones, come back to haunt me. So frustrating when that happens, especially since what usually brings it on is doing something as ordinary and seemingly harmless as reaching into the dishwasher. Other times, as is the case with this occurrence, I have no idea what brought it on, other than that my back grew more and more painful over the course of a couple of days, until whammo, I can barely stand up, move and am in constant pain.

So what do I do when this happens? Well, seeing as no form of oral painkillers work, I’m left with using topical remedies or pain patches. But, me being me, I avoid using them until the point that I’m consistently bent with pain to the point where I literally cannot pull myself into a standing position. It’s only at that point that I’ll break down and resort to using them.

I’m not big on using medicines—never have been. As such, I do the next best thing, I relax as much as possible, try to stay off my feet and stretch, stretch and stretch some more until I can begin relieving the built-up pressure in my lower spine.

Relax, that’s what I’ve done today, which has given me a chance to do one of my favorite pastimes—read. And that’s been great! My family has been away all day, so I’ve had the house to myself to sink into a book I’m reading for research without interruption.

As morning gave way to afternoon that relented to evening, the herniated disks flanking either side of a vertebrae that’s all but completely degenerated in my lower spine have begun to ease up on their incessant throbbing, which tells me the swelling’s beginning to wane. With any luck, by the time I pour myself into bed, I won’t be hurting as much and will be able to sleep without tossing and turning or sleeping in odd positions, which for me flares up my spine injuries even more.

Here’s hoping that I’ll awake tomorrow able to get out of bed and ambulate without having to constantly remind myself how to try to hold my back up straight. Really, that gets to be exhausting.

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