Friday, November 13, 2010

Usually, I’m one of the first to hoot and holler for joy that it’s Friday. But not with the way my day panned out. It was one of those, everything-that-you-did-turned-to-garbage days. In fact, it was so much so, that I literally couldn’t adjust from one blow before the phone, text, email or meeting would signal in some other bad thing happening. Four in the afternoon found me sitting outside a Starbucks, coffee forgotten, crying—not feeling sorry for myself, just finally having a breather to let sink in all that had happened/gone wrong/been dealt to me.

Although I’m not one prone to tears, I let those cathartic tears flow before getting in my car and heading to my next destination, hoping upon all hope that things would get better. They didn’t. In fact, they took a turn for the worse.

But I dug in, got through all of that and then was rewarded when my daughter and Kai pulled down the driveway just as I was heading out to pick up my youngest son. I asked if they wanted to come, and together we went as I filled my daughter in on my less-than-desirable day.

Back home, my day took a rapid turn for the better when I was able to actually pick up and hold baby Kai in my arms for the first time in almost five weeks. Just before I picked her up, she looked at me and gave the biggest smile that melted my heart—always does.

A short time later, I was lying on my daughter’s bed with Kai beside me when things took another turn for the better. As I lay with Kai facing me, my daughter sat behind her. Kai looked at me again, her face erupting in a broad smile and then she giggled, turned her head towards me and rolled over for the very first time!

My daughter and I cheered. Kai, thrilled with her accomplishment, held her head up to look at me and giggle-smiled. Then she rolled onto her back again. Okay, I’ve got to admit that my daughter and I, already over-the-moon about her rolling from her back to her tummy were completely unprepared for the bonus of her rolling back again, and we whooped and congratulated her as if she’d taken the gold medal in an Olympic event.

For the next half hour, Kai showed off by rolling over and back again time and time again. With each successful rollover, she’d giggle and laugh, so pleased with herself and thrilled with our reactions.

By the end of her doing this for thirty minutes, she was huffing and puffing as if she had completed in and then won an Olympic event. Thoroughly worn out and happy to be home, Kai yawned a big yawn, stretched and then went down for a much-deserved nap.

And me, I’ve been beaming from the inside out ever since, so happy that Kai waited to do her very first roll-over for me. I’ve got to admit that event snapped my dreary day around full circle, making it a great Friday after all.

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