Tuesday, November 30, 2010

While reading some postings by others today, I came across one that touched on a subject I often blog about—positive thinking. The difference was, theirs had an interesting spin on it.

Their take was on how people reveal their positive or negative tendencies when answering simple questions. If, for example, they are asked do they want tea or coffee, some get animated and respond, “Oh, I’d love a cup of coffee,” while others will lean towards, “I don’t really care for tea.”

The first response indicates a self-assured individual eager to move towards what they like in a positive manner. The second reply denotes a more reserved person’s negative attitude as they’re focusing on what they don’t like. This got me to thinking.

When offered a compliment, are you more inclined to graciously accept the kind words or make excuses for why or how you could have done better? Leaning towards accepting the compliment, I believe, indicates a positive mindset while stumbling over a compliment and trying to push it away with excuses shows an insecure individual who may be more negative-minded.

In your own life, do you find yourself gravitating towards your desires with an easy flow? Or are you repelled away from them through a complicated series of negative thoughts, reactions and mindsets? When you think of the future, is it with a willing smile, eager to meet the possibilities? Or are you focused on immediate limitations that might hold you back?

It’s fascinating how the simplest things we do or say denote our proclivity towards positive or negative thinking. What do your actions and words say about you?

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