Tuesday, November 16, 2010

There are times when an unparalleled high is achieved from the completion of a long-term task. Tonight, I’m riding that high, for I finished writing the ending of the third book in the Little Girl Lost Trilogy. Feeling as if I was sitting on pins and needles, I prepared to read what I’d generated to my weekly writing critique group this evening. I wasn’t sure if it would satisfy them or if the stylization I’d opted to write the ending in, not my normal, would work with the rest of the book’s structure.

I’m pleased to say that those present were not only satisfied with what I’d written and how but also were relieved. I won’t go into further detail, not wanting to give anything away. But suffice is to say that the ones who heard me read tonight felt as if the trilogy had an appropriate ending.

And that’s the greatest high for a writer—to deliver a product that will leave their readers feeling fulfilled, not as if they’ve been cheated or things were rushed. But the biggest high, the feeling I’m rushing off of now, is having completed the writing process.

Now I can progress to the rewrite process, which will ultimately lead to the publishing process. If all goes according to plan, and there’s no reason to believe that it won’t, readers should be able to buy this newest book by spring of 2011!

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