Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A thought kept rolling around in my head today. One I think of often and have had meaningful conversations about.

Here’s the deal. Each of us is born into this world with one body, the singular item that will travel with us throughout our entire life. As such, it will accompany us to our very last breath.

That’s an attention getter.

My question is this. If we are granted only one body in which we must live out our existence, then why do many folks do little or nothing to maintain it? Instead, they dedicate themselves to taking immaculate care of their cars, houses, electronics, toys, etc. But when it comes to the one thing that is irreplaceable—their bodies—they believe that it’s okay to abuse or not take care of it, assuming that all will work out in the end.

How? By then, it’s too late!

This brings me to another question. In the end, do you want to be encased in a broken down dilapidated body that you recklessly misused your whole life? Or would you rather increase your odds of a quality existence, during your latter years, by maintaining your most precious belonging—your body?

Think about it. The quality of your future lies in your hands.

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