Thursday, November 11, 2010

It’s amazing how quickly one’s life can change—for the better.

I find myself thinking this often. When our daughter moved back home, and with her came baby Makaila, there were changes to be made. A mushroom cloud of baby things overtook our house, as baby things are prone to do. And there was the sweet sound of Kai learning to coo to her mom and the rest of us. Of course, the baby did have a rough time adjusting to a new place to live for the first couple of days—everything being foreign to her.

But Kai soon settled in, as did her mother and the rest of our family. A new routine was created and space was cleared to accommodate baby things (it really is amazing how much stuff a baby requires). The constant sound of Kai cooing and laughing filled our house—in a great way. And it seemed as if Kai had always been a part of our family.

But then…the day after Halloween, our daughter left with Kai to go visit with her friends and sister out of state for a few days. Somehow, a few days turned into a week and then a few days more. From the moment they left, the house seemed suddenly empty. My youngest son and I mourned the quietness while my husband was out of the country.

Earlier this week, I got a call from our daughter telling me she thought they might come home this weekend.

What does she mean she thinks?

Last night, I was between meetings and got a major case of Kai withdrawals. So I texted my daughter and told her I needed a current picture—STAT. A minute later, I was sent the photo accompanying this blog. The moment I saw it, all thoughts of meetings, deadlines, etc. went straight out of my head as I relished looking at my granddaughter.

My youngest son and I have come to the decision that as soon as Kai returns home, we are going to place an ankle bracelet on her that will sound an alarm should our daughter get any ideas of taking her away again. Of course, we’re kidding, but the sentiment behind our thought is sincere. Simply put, we fell in love with Kai the moment we saw her, have been an integral part of her life every day since and miss her terribly when she’s gone.

And for me, it’s been doubly hard, since due to my surgery and subsequent recovery, I haven’t been able to hold Kai at all since the morning of said surgery. I’ve got to admit that I’m itching to hold that grandbaby again! I go to my surgeon tomorrow for another check-up and hope he tells me it will finally be okay for me to lift and hold Kai. And if so, that good news couldn’t come at a better time, for my daughter just informed me that she and Kai are returning home tomorrow!!!


Indeed, it’s amazing how quickly one’s life can change—for the better.

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