Sunday, November 28, 2010

I hope that everyone who celebrated had a great Thanksgiving, surrounded by cherished ones who value them. With the exception of our oldest son and his girlfriend, our table was complete with all our kids. Unfortunately, our oldest son couldn’t get the time off of work to come for a visit, but will join us for Christmas.

Taking our one daughter to the airport this evening, I couldn’t believe how quickly the weekend flew by and how, before we know it, we’ll be ringing in a New Year, wondering where the time went. For the past number of years, I’ve noticed that by the time Halloween rolls around, it’s a blink before we’re celebrating New Year’s Eve.

As a kid, I don’t recall time moving so quickly. Perhaps the perception of time speeding up is due to us, as adults, being busier. Having more we’re responsible for. But if that’s the case, then why does each successive year seem to flash by quicker than the last, especially during the holidays?

I can’t help but wonder if there’s a way to slow things down. Make at least the holidays seem not such a blur. Would it help to focus more on the many things that get penciled onto our to-do lists? By focusing more, I mean that perhaps we should view those lists with a discriminating eye bent on prioritizing only the most important things that need to get done.

If we took that approach, would that gain us extra time in which we might be able to appreciate the subtle nuances of the holidays more. And if we were granted that privilege, would we recognize what a gift it was? Or would we be inclined to add more to our to-list to fill the empty space?

I don’t know the answer, but will endeavor to sort it out this holiday season—beginning today.

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