Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Intelligence. Wittiness. Respectfulness. These are the things I appreciate.

When I write blogs here, I do so from my heart and sometimes from my personal experiences—but always from my heart. As such, when I strike a chord in someone who then makes a comment, either serious or comical, it makes my day—literally.

Connecting with folks can be tricky. Figuring out the intricate and oft elusive rhythm and flow of communication can be even more daunting, especially via written form. I go to great lengths to clearly put into words what’s on my mind. Sometimes, I succeed. Other times, not so much, but your comments help me to understand my blunders and allow me to then revise.

Feedback. I suppose that’s the key to any good communication. When it’s given in an intelligent, witty or respectful manner, that’s what I appreciate most—as folks do here. And so I thank those of you who understand my meaning, the messages behind my words. I know many don’t make comments, and that’s fine. To each their own. Just knowing that you keep coming back to read what I generate is enough…for me.

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