Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Over the past week, I’ve begun to feel like the masses who deal with weather woes. When most think of southern California, visions of perpetually blue skies, warm sunshine and perfect weather spring to mind. There are those who find it hard to believe that we have anything but. Oh, but let me assure you, on the rare occasions when Mother Nature turns her attention towards us, deciding it’s our turn to experience weather, she does so with a fast and furious vengeance.

Where I live, it’s been raining since last week. Not a little. Not a warm rain. But a cold torrential downpour.

I know. I know. Many who are reading this are rolling your eyes, thinking, yeah, right Cali girl, you haven’t a clue about bad weather. Not saying I do—on a regular basis—but what we’ve been experiencing of late is off the charts insane!

Just how crazy is it? Well, by the time this little weeklong storm subsides, it will have drenched us with twenty-two inches of rain! Not this season or spread out over time but with this one storm! And just like other places that deal with bad weather, the results of which wreak havoc on everyday life, we here in southern California are getting a fair dose. Of course, I know our weather woes won’t last nearly as long as what others have to put up with, and for that I am ever so grateful. But the devastation these storms leave behind is no less significant that what others endure. So, while our blue skies and warmer temps will return sooner than other places, many here will be mopping up the mess left behind for months, if not longer, just as others elsewhere.

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