Thursday, December 16, 2010

The gifts we have to share.

Growing up, there was an animated Christmas special that was amongst my favorites. It was called The Little Drummer Boy. The premise of the story was that a lowly little boy felt himself unworthy to stand in the presence of the baby Jesus, since he had nothing of value to share—no gift to give. Oh, but he did!

The boy had a great gift—the ability to play a drum, suspended by a chord from around his neck. After much hemming and hawing and beating himself up for his lack of something to offer, the little drummer boy stepped forward and played his drum. The music flowed from his heart, his gift easily matching and possibly outshining ones others had brought.

Each of us has a special gift to give. It costs nothing, comes from the heart and can make a profound impression on the receiver. So what is it? That of giving ourselves to another. Our time. Understanding. Compassion. Valuing of another. These are amongst the greatest gifts—the ones money can’t buy but, in my opinion, are far more valuable than all the word’s wealth, for these are what allow us to connect with others. Put a smile in their hearts. Lighten their loads. And make possible the faith that each day is a blessing.

Please share the gifts you have not just at this time of year but all the time.

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