Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thought I’d write about arrogant folks. You know the ones, those who have the I’m-better-than-anyone-else-and-my-s**t-doesn’t-smell attitude dripping from their every pore.

Where do folks like this get off? Why do they feel the need to inflict their yucky mentality on as many as possible? Don’t they know it makes them look like an even bigger jerk? Or don’t they care? Does acting like a bigger jerk somehow boost their already over-inflated all-about-me egos?

Whenever I come in contact with this kind of person, I get the grossest feeling, like I need to scrub myself in the nearest shower in the hopes of washing away any lasting impressions that might have lingered. Of course, that’s if the person has flung any of their crud in my direction. But when I witness it being directed at those I care for, a whole different me emerges. It’s at those times when my mama bear makes herself known.

I try to avoid making the situation worse but won’t stand by and watch those I care about being assaulted with verbal attacks. Instead of engaging with the rude individual personally, my number one priority is to get the one being attacked away from the situation, leaving the arrogant individual behind to …to…well, quite frankly, I don’t care what they do as long as they keep it away from us.

It’s my belief that arrogant people should be treated as they act, like ill-behaved children. As such, I ignore their behavior, knowing that what they crave is attention. And since they’re willing to go to such drastic measures to obtain it, I hope that my denying them might give them pause to reconsider their behavior. Of course, they might not get the hint, but I can always hope.

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