Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Driving around today, getting the last bits of holiday shopping done, I found myself smiling over how our oldest daughter is now home and how our oldest son will join us Christmas even (been forever since we’ve seen him). What makes me happiest isn’t that the holiday is coming, though that is fun. No, what puts the biggest smile on my face is knowing that soon all my kids will be under one roof. That my oldest son will get to finally meet his niece. Can’t wait for that moment. Imagine it will be surreal.

The fun doesn’t end there, for the day after Christmas, we’re all packing up and heading away for a week, just our immediate family, to reconnect. Catch up. Spend quality time together without interruptions of life, careers, etc.

Upon returning home, each of our crazy schedules will resume, and my grandfather will arrive to stay with us for an indefinite time, him crazy about meeting his very first great, great grandchild. I think he plans to commit every bit of her to memory so that he doesn’t forget a single one of her nuances when he does return home.

Holidays…they’re hectic and add more to our already busy schedules. But the best part about holidays is how they reunite families.

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