Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year’s Eve!!!

The greatest thing about being at the beach after a big storm is that the ocean has receded enough to triple the size of the beach. And with that, large portions of the tide pools, normally submerged, are available for up-close-and-personal-viewing. Sitting on my balcony this morning, I gazed at the withdrawn ocean and gulped down my coffee, anxious to get on my way to the tide pools.

Once there, I found a veritable smorgasbord of sea life that I hadn’t the other days I explored the area. And my first stop? The portions waaaaay out—the part that’s usually under water. There I found huge pumpkin orange starfish. They’re one of my personal favorites and seem to have become rare to spot. So today when I came across a half dozen or so, each fifteen to twenty-five years old and close enough for me to touch, I felt truly lucky.

If you check out the new photo album my Webmaster posted this evening, you’ll glimpse some of what I spotted while at the tide pools earlier. For diversity, in this album, I tried to only post images not in the last one. I hope everyone enjoys.

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