Sunday, December 5, 2010

Yesterday, I blogged about a person’s energy, positive or negative, affecting others and, in turn, themselves. Today, I thought I’d carry on with the energy theme by heading in a different direction.

When going through life, are you prone to let the energy of a given situation take over, directing that situation’s outcome? Or are you one who attempts to redirect said energy by forcing your will?

I view my life as a rough draft outline. There was a beginning. I know the ultimate ending—my death. And I let what happens in between take shape as I go along. That’s not to say I have no goals or plans. I do. But they aren’t carved in stone. My philosophy is that the minute I subscribe to things having to happen a specific way, or in an exact order, I’ll be blind to the many other possibilities.

Everyone gets faced with a myriad of situations on a regular basis, ones where we have a choice. We can go with the flow, allowing for the possibility that things may take alternate paths than those expected. Or, we can hold firm to how we think things should go with such a death grip that our hold makes us numb to the subtleties that present themselves.

Now, I’m not suggesting that people should act all crazy, disregarding safety or their morals. No, what I propose is to take a single step back, allowing things to play out long enough for you to get a sneak peek, thus allowing an informed decision as to whether you should go with the flow or intercede.

By taking a step back, what’s the worst that can happen? You might have to hustle a bit to get back on track should things not look favorable. That could happen. But just as easily, a better not-before-thought-of scenario could unfold. Had you blocked the energy of that situation from playing out, however, you’d miss out on something that could be wonderful.

Energy…if allowed, it will find its true course, uncovering a vast horizon of possibilities. By following, a boundless bounty could be your reward.

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