Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Not sure what it is about Christmas that invokes in me the need to clean. Get organized. Perhaps it’s all the additional stuff that enters the house in preparation for the holiday. Or the anticipation of extra people coming to stay in our house.

Whatever the catalyst, today found me cleaning, organizing, throwing away boxes and junk and finding space I’d forgotten was there. Though the process made for an extra long day with me sweating and huffing and puffing as I moved things here, there and tossed many more out in a nearby dumpster, I feel energized. It’s like shedding all that extra stuff, creating more space and getting organized has rid me of an oppressive weight I wasn’t aware had been bogging me down.

But now, being free of it, I feel on top of things. Does that mean I’m ready for the holidays to arrive. Heck no! I still have much to do in preparation. But at least now I’m rejuvenated to take on those tasks with a happy heart and calm spirit.

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