Thursday, December 30, 2010

Some of you may have tried to make comments on yesterday’s blog but couldn’t. We were experiencing a glitch with the site. Each time my Webmaster tried to post the entry, it went up but…without the capability for comments to be made. Persistence paid off, however, and he managed to finally get it up and working this afternoon.

Of course, that brings me to today’s blog that’s getting posted a bit later than I’d hoped. That’s neither the fault of my Webmaster or the site. Nope, the reason today’s is up late is because of me. Well…the fact that I was just plain having too much fun hanging with my family while away on vacation to get it posted any sooner.

Those who know me are keenly aware that it’s rare—very—for me to let slide my commitments. And when they glimpse the rare occasions when I get so embroiled in having fun that I forget or let one slide, they’re tickled pink, for they know that every now and again I need to take a break.

That’s what I did today—took a break. I went to the movies, walked around town, window-shopped, avoided the downpour, snuggled by the fire and gazed at the ocean as the storm transformed its surface into a boiling fury. All the while, I knew I had to get the blog done, but couldn’t quite pull myself away from what else I was doing to write it…until now.

So…I guess it’s official. I’ve slipped into full vacation mode. And you know what? It feels pretty darn satisfying.

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