Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Last night while sitting round the dinner table, Kai’s daddy asked each of us what our New Year’s resolutions were. My husband and I stated how we don’t believe in them. I elaborated with how I feel that most New Year’s resolutions, like diets and other fads, quickly get discarded. Pausing for my words to sink in, I then expressed that I prefer to view the New Year as any other mark of time, by pondering where I’m at, what delivered me here and where I’m striving to go. By doing such, I believe a clear path with be revealed, indicating how I can reach my goals.

Each family member listened to my thoughts and then expounded with additional ones of their own. As I listened to each person, I smiled, aware that the objectives given hadn’t been hasty ones or short-lived. No, what I heard my family members state were beliefs near and dear to their hearts that they would fight to obtain.

In our family, we don’t settle for mediocrity or easy outs. Instead, when we state aloud something we intend to do, we give it our all, not allowing for the possibility that we might fall short. For to admit defeat even before we’ve begun would undermine our mission, which might cause us to stray from our intended path.

Several family members, not content to wait for New Year’s Day to roll around, had already begun their journeys to achieve their goals, some of which will prove to be tough. Others will take a year or more to realize. But the steadfastness I saw in each family member’s eyes, as they voiced their aspirations, lead me to believe that each aim will be seen through to fruition.

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