Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adopting sensibilities through our connections.

Earlier today, I had the pleasure of discussing this with several friends. How I like to peruse ideas and concepts my friends and contacts have, try them on for size and see if any feel right for me. Why? Because by doing so, I’m exposed to things I might not have been. Also, I’m encouraged to view things in a light I might not have considered if left on my own.

By nature, I’m a people watcher. Always have been. Always will be. I suppose a large part of that, at least for me, is to try to climb inside a person’s head to decipher why they think the way they do or what causes them to adopt certain mentalities.

I believe that the only true way to understand others is to appreciate where they’re coming from. So, I attempt to “put myself in their shoes” as often as possible. As a result, I’ve been exposed to an extensive smorgasbord of wonderful and some not so wonderful individuals who come from all walks of life.

Through my encounters, I’ve been able to better understand human nature. By doing so, I’ve been fortunate enough to glimpse things through more objective eyes than mine alone might have been. This I appreciate on a deep level, for it has made me privy to a vast array of sensibilities gathered from my connections.

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