Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Do you ever wonder…?

Here in California, it’s illegal to talk on one’s phone whole driving unless you have a Bluetooth or a hands-free unit built into your car. And along our freeways, at least in the more built up areas, we have helpful message boards that, I believe, are run by the Highway Patrol. On these boards, one is able to read estimated times of arrival to upcoming cities, Amber alerts that announce missing children, warnings about approaching construction zones, etc. The boards are quite helpful.

But…every once in a while, up pops a message that makes me giggle when I read it. Remember, these message boards are on California highways and run by the Highway Patrol that enforces the laws on such. So when I see a message telling me to call 911 to report drunk drivers or 511 to report traffic conditions, I just have to laugh at the irony.

Unless they’re a passenger, those reading the messages are driving. And although many do have Bluetooths or built-in hands-free units, still many more do not. So here’s where the irony kicks in.

What if the one who wants to report a certain traffic condition doesn’t have a legal way to make such a call? Yet, the message board is prompting them to do so. Is it wrong for them to do as the board instructs? Or should they not call, pass by the traffic condition, thankful that they made it through and leave those behind them unaware of what they’re about to enter? And what if the person who notices a drunk driver is without a Bluetooth or built-in hands-free unit. Should they ignore the drunk driver, not make the call and leave others on the road to fend for themselves unaware of the potential danger? Or should they do as the message board prompts?

Not sure if others have had these same thoughts. Just thought I’d share.

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