Saturday, January 15, 2011

I suppose it’s my age or that of my friends that brings to the forefront medical issues. I routinely hear of friends who have suffered accidents that keep them laid up for a spell. Or of others who have some unexpected medical concern pop up. Still more, just pulling themselves out of one medical concern, end up plunging down a hill into another.

I’m not immune from this, having spent way too much down time due to medical problems that have been scattered throughout my life. So my heart goes out to my friends and any others who I hear of having troubles. Being down and out just plain sucks. Having to endure alone or be made to feel alone throughout is unbearable.

Whenever I’m made aware of a friend who’s having a tough time, I make an effort to reach out in whatever context I can. If great distances separate us, then I text, call or drop an email. If I’m in close enough proximity, I make a face-to-face appearance if only for a brief time to let them know they’re in my thoughts.

Reaching out to someone who is suffering is the best! It not only brightens that person’s disposition, but also gives us that warm fuzzy feeling, knowing that we’ve done right by our friend.

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