Sunday, January 16, 2011

Branching out and trying new things with others. In my humble opinion, this is the name of the game…or should be. Life’s short, too short to waste, wondering what it would have been like if only I’d…. Or to pass on opportunities simply because I haven’t done those exact things in the past.

Where is it written that we must go through life acquiescing to the status quo, reluctant to branch out? Life is a veritable smorgasbord of opportunities, crying out to us. Many refuse to listen. Others are reluctant to step outside familiar ground. Me? I like to run full force at new adventures, eager to discover what insight I’ll gain from immersing myself in them.

I believe that what we do should be a series of interlocking building blocks. We should take what knowledge we’ve gained from previous encounters and morph it to accommodate new situations. And when that doesn’t work, should we shy away? Heck no! Those are the amazing chances we have to prove what we’re made of. To show the world that we don’t give a darn if we succeed or fail, only that we are courageous enough to try. And really…by trying, there’s no possible chance for us to fail, for failure comes only as a result of doing nothing when one watches life pass them by.

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