Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It perplexes me how some feel compelled to apologize for questioning things: him or herself, facts, others, life in general. Why is it that folks feel it’s an imposition to seek more knowledge? Better understanding? A heightened view of who they are and how they factor into the world? If not through posing questions, then how do they expect to learn new things?

Then there are the ones who become irritated with those who strive to learn more. Become more. Why is this? Do they feel threatened? Jealous? Scared that things might not remain the same?

I’m a huge believer in questioning everything! I love it when more questions are asked than answers provided. When what is queried leaves folks scratching their heads, anxious for the first chance they’ll have to research the answers. I adore the spark I can place in a person’s mind when I propose a concept in a light that person hadn’t previously considered. How I can crank up their thirst for greater comprehension.

When I’m solicited for answers to questions I know not the solutions to, I’m the first to want to research until I understand. With a wealth of information only a click away, gaining higher knowledge is no longer as illusive as it once was. I love that, for it means that everyone has a chance to grow, better him or herself, become more aware.

With the countless possibilities that gained knowledge can provide, why would anyone shy away from questioning things or feel affronted by those who inquire of them? Boggles my mind.

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