Wedneday, January 26, 2011

Two Mondays ago, our youngest daughter went in for surgery. Allow me to stress that she’s fine and will be. The following day, I awoke to discover that my two herniated disks in my lower spine had decided to flare up. Despite the obstacles, we all managed to muddle our way through the remainder of that week, coming out strong by the end of it.

This Monday, that same daughter went in for more surgery. Again, she’s fine and will be. This is a three-part procedure that needed to be done. That afternoon, Kai’s daddy, all set to help out, ended up eating tainted food from a drive-thru on his way to a job interview and spent the entire night and all of Tuesday suffering from food poisoning. To add insult to injury, the job interview was a waste of his time.

So when I awoke today, I was hoping for a bit of tranquility added into the mix. But, as life has an interesting way of testing us, calm was not to be. Instead, I awoke to discover literally thousands of termites had swarmed into our master bathroom. Spending the next hour-plus fixing and cleaning up that mess, I then settled into the rest of my day, running behind schedule and having to pick and choose what I could get accomplished versus what I had planned to do.

Did I allow what has been going on the past couple of weeks to get me down? No. Did I focus on the negative? No. Did I push through, knowing that this, too, would pass? Absolutely!

When I’ve written about positive attitude carrying one through and allowing them to not only set but also realize goals, this is what I was referring to. Sure I could have maintained a woe-why-me attitude, but I didn’t. That’s not my style. Instead, I tackled each occurrence as it came along, maintaining a positive attitude. Was this easy? Oh, no! So why bother? Because I was keenly aware that to do anything less would undermine my ability to triumph, making what I was going through worse.

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