Friday, Nov. 9, 2012

Is it more appropriate to lower our expectations of others, or hold them to the same high standards to which we subscribe?  I find myself asking this question on a regular basis. 

On the one hand, if we expect a lot from others, we do the disservice of setting ourselves up for disappointment.  But…on the other hand, to lower our expectations, giving into the mentality that many don’t care, look for the easy way out and are quick to pass the buck, can leave us feeling…empty, as if some major component in the universe got off-kilter and we don’t know quite what to do to set it straight.

Is this where hope comes in?  Do we maintain our high expectations, knowing they might not be met, while maintaining a level of hope that we may be pleasantly surprised?  And if this is what the world’s come to, why?  Why is it so hard for many to say what they mean and then follow through with it?  Or to treat customers with the same level of curtsey that they themselves would appreciate.  Or here’s a novel idea.  How about folks do the job they were hired to do rather than looking for every opportunity to cut corners, pass the buck or worse, cheat those who come to them in good faith?

When did caring about others and taking pride in a job well done go out of fashion?   

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