Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012

Years back, when my oldest daughter was preparing to head off to college, her older brother having moved out two weeks earlier, I felt the aching pain that gnaws at a mother’s innards as she watches her children leave the nest.  The day we did the last of my daughter’s packing, I fought hard to choke back the lump in my throat that made simple thoughts near impossible without taking involuntary strolls down memory lane.  Those had me struggling to hold it together emotionally as I helped one of my best friends, my daughter, prepare to begin her new life. 

By the end of that night, I felt an emotional war had waged within me, me being the loser.  Being a writer, I did the only thing I could.  I took pen to paper and scribed the following poem in a feeble attempt to logically map out the hailstorm of emotions I was feeling. 

Perhaps one or more of you have gone through similar situations.  Felt the same heartache that rips and shreds your insides, pitting your mind upon itself.  Whether you have or haven’t, I hope you enjoy this poem.

New Beginnings

So little time…
Grains of sand fall through an hourglass
Load after load of trash bags carried out
 “Old school papers,” she says, as I choke back a sob.
We circle one another
Mindful lest our paths cross.
Minimal contact
Don’t recall the past
Go numb
Secure the floodgates
Don’t crumble.
Hundreds of miles still lie ahead
Hold it together.
Boxes, bags and piles of clothes
Empty hangers
An organized closet.
There’s a crack in the emotional dam
Oh, God!
Go numb
Shut the brain down
Twenty-four hours left
Two weeks ago, a full house
Now, one room empty
Another soon to follow.
Half gone
One last “Gilmore Girls’” road trip
To signal…new beginnings.

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