Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012

Ah…the holidays….  Good idea to keep them in perspective.  Herald them in.  Rejoice in family and friends that gather round us…even the ones who we cringe at during the events.  After…of course…it all seems to fall into perspective and become laughable.

Too oft, we find ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of holiday madness that has us twisting this way and that with nary a moment to think straight.  Enjoying the holidays…hmmm….that can be a tall order if we’re the one doing the hosting.  Even if we’re not, having to gather with some we don’t get along with can be trying.  

But remember this.  The holidays are meant to be enjoyed.  Not tax us—our wallets, emotions, etc.  Perhaps it’s all the media hype we see about how each of the holidays should roll off as if Martha Stewart and her legion of helpers were at our beckon call.  For most of us, this is unrealistic. 

So what should we do?  Easy.  Chill.  Even if we have to run around and prep for either hosting the holidays ourselves or attending them elsewhere, it’s good to remember this one simple fact.  Keep…them…in…perspective!  If we manage to pull this off, then we’ll likely enjoy the holidays rather than struggling our way through them akin to a non-swimmer trying to keep their head above water.      

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