Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012

Whatever happened to people taking pride in saying what they mean and doing what they say?  Used to be that when someone told you they’d be somewhere at a specific time you could count on that.  Nowadays, people look at you crosswise when you expect them to do what they say, as if you’re the one who’s out of line for expecting such…nonsense.

I understand that life happens.  Things come up.  Unforeseen problems cast shadows over plans we carefully orchestrate.  But when it comes to appointments—actual honest to goodness appointments—is it too much to ask that the person who’s supposed to show up does just that—shows up?  And if they’re not able to arrive at the arranged time or are running late, is it too much to expect the courtesy of a call to inform us of such?

That brings me to doctor appointments, etc.  What is it with doctors who double and triple book appointments?  How do they ever expect to see two to three different patients/clients at the exact same time?  They can’t!  It’s impossible.  They know it.  We know it.  And yet, the professionals continue to overbook, irritating their clientele in the process because of constantly running behind schedule.

Over a decade ago, I decided to step out of this rude treatment by refusing to make appointments with those professionals who deny me the courtesy of staying on schedule.  This decision was made after my then six-year old son was kept waiting two and a half hours to see his eye doctor.  True to form, no apology was ever made for the lengthy wait. 

Now I understand that doctors, etc, can run a bit behind.  That’s just life.  It happens.  But when professionals expect us to wait patiently for unreasonable amounts of time when we had an appointment, that’s just unacceptable! 

Think of it this way.  If we were to do the same to them, not show up for our appointment on time, the professional would be upset and likely try to charge us for being late or missing our appointment.  But those same professionals treat our time as if it’s not as valuable as their own.  As if we have all the time in the world to just…sit around, hoping that sometime we’ll be graced with the presence of the professional—whenever he or she gets around to it.  Again, this is unacceptable and leads me to question. Whatever happened to people taking pride in saying what they mean and doing what they say?     


  1. OH my gosh, that is by far the worst! I HATE that! So rude and disrespectful.

  2. Hey Tracy,

    Glad to hear you agree! : -)
