Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012

Not sure if any of you have ever read books written by Christopher Moore.  They’re witty, in an off-color sort of way.  He writes about seemingly common subjects that affect us all, yet puts an iiiinnnnteresting spin on all his works. 

Case in point, I’m currently reading Lamb.  It’s the story of the gospel.  But this version is unlike any you’ve ever read.  Why?  Well, as Christopher More tells it, this version is according to Biff, Christ’s best childhood pal.  And like any two young boys will do, these two get into quite a few pickles, though, Biff’s friend being the son of God and all, they’re able to wiggle their way out of most sticky situations they fall into. 

And when the boys, now in their early teens, go out to help Christ discover his life’s purpose, things escalate.  No longer satisfied with the childhood pastime of holding a lizard in his mouth, then handing it to his friend Biff, who bashes it over the head, killing it, only to resurrect it, Christ’s abilities and curiosity have…escalated.

According to God’s will, Christ is told, via an angel messenger, that he is not to lay with a woman.  So…what’s a best pal to do but help “walk” Christ through what it feels like to have sex with a woman. So, as Christ listens on from the adjoining stable stall, Biff has sex with prostitutes, helpfully giving a verbal play-by-play accounting throughout to his listening friend, Christ, who after a stream of prostitutes and having used almost all their travel money, still hasn’t a clue what it feels like to have sex.

Moore’s narrative is original, innocent, full of tongue-in-cheek and will surprise you when the child in you is once again awakened to rediscover the innocent thoughts that only children have about the world and its inhabitants.     

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