Friday, September 10, 2010

In the past, I’ve blogged about how, for me, the more I do, the more I’m capable of accomplishing. When I’ve written about that, I’ve been referring to getting “stuff” done. But over the past few days, I’ve had a revelation. Not only does this apply to getting stuff done, but also pertains to allowing myself more down time.

Being an intelligent person, who prides herself on being able to discern fact from fiction, I find it a little jarring to now learn, after all these years, that if I allow myself more down time to do the things I need in order to be revitalized, then I’m better equipped to get more accomplished.

How? Aren’t there still the same number of hours per day? And if I’m now spending some of those hours doing things other than the items on my to-do list, then how am I able to cross off my tasks by the end of the day when before there was no free time?

Hmmm…. Being an intelligent person who likes to have things mapped out in a clear and concise manner, this doesn’t make any sense—do more…in the same amount of time, get more accomplished and have more down time.

Here’s where the wisdom I gained while away last weekend kicks in. Frankly, I don’t care how I’m managing this. Just know that I am, and that doing so brings me peace at a level I can’t ever recall having.

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