Saturday, September 4, 2010

You know you’re having fun when….

Thursday, I flew to Las Vegas for a five-day event where I have a lot of friends that I meet up with, one of those being my sister. Normally, when we get together, my sis and I, we don’t end up seeing one another very often, for we are in constant meetings, many of which are at different times and places. And in our down time, it doesn’t help that she’s a morning persona, and I am a huge night owl.

This year we decided to give us the best chance to see one another as much as possible by booking a suite together with our spouses. Due to flight complications, delays, etc, we missed seeing each other when they got in. Friday, we finally met up and had breakfast. Since then, we’ve decided to spend every possible moment with one another. And when everyone else turned in for some sleep, we opted to stay up and talk. Mind you, that was Friday night.

As of this writing, it’s now 7:00 PM Saturday evening, and neither of us has gone to bed, figuring that it’s more important to catch up with one another. And that we have!

In the process, we’ve had a ball, so much so, that it wasn’t until this afternoon that it dawned on me I hadn’t posted a blog for yesterday. Was I upset? No, for that told me that I was doing what I should be—spending quality time with a person who’s integral to the fabric of my being—as it should be.

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