Today, a friend asked why I feel compelled to push myself so hard in all that I do. This came up when I mentioned how I hadn’t written a blog for Friday. He asked if I felt guilty, and I was surprised by my answer, which was, no. Then I went on to explain that I’d missed writing it due to all the fun I was having while with my sister.
That led into a discussion about what I do on an average day. How I feel driven to write a daily blog. Write my books on a fast track. Respond to everyone that writes to me. Keep up with writing my articles. Maintaining my E-zine. Work out faithfully, etc, etc, etc.
When I was done, my friend just sat there, staring at me, incredulous by the amount of pressure I put myself under, while at the same time enormously impressed by how I manage to pull it all off while maintaining a sunny disposition.
Talking with him further, I realized I was doing the opposite of what I blog about often. Instead of seeing to my needs, I’m utterly devoted to ensuring that I serve the needs of everyone else, ultimately depleting my own tanks.
Then he looked at me and remarked on the statement that I hadn’t yet written today’s blog. He said, “I think you should cut back.”
My immediate thought was no way! Then I took a step back and rethought, coming to the conclusion that he was right. That perhaps only generating a blog three to four times a week would be a good idea.
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