Thursday, September 10, 2010

Since returning from my extended weekend away, I’ve found myself attempting to catch up. But an interesting transformation took place in me while I was gone that has altered my approach to getting caught up.

I blogged about how a good many of my friends, myself included, had arrived at our weekend overly stressed and worn down to near exhaustion due to life and its complexities. How we’d decided to focus on our priorities in an attempt to find balance.

What I didn’t blog about was how I had discussed with a good friend how I was seeking to find some sense of balance in my own life. One where I could continue to maintain all my juggled balls, while somehow allowing myself some needed down time to focus on family and friends who are valued and revitalize me.

Since being home, I’ve found myself adopting new mentalities towards how I go about getting things done. To me, used to a breakneck schedule of hitting the ground running and maintaining that pace until I fall into bed, it feels as if I’m crawling at a snail’s pace. And I may well be, but I’m still managing to get all my “stuff” pushed off my desk. Not sure how that’s happening, and frankly, I’m not going to waste time trying to figure it out. I’m grateful that it’s happening at all. In the process, I’ve managing to spend good amounts of down time conversing with treasured friends and hanging out more with my family, who, no doubt, have written me of as MIA on more than one occasion.

So it would seem that I managed to find the key to creating some sense of balance in my own life while catching up, though it remains a mystery to me what that is. I just know that I feel better than I have in a long time. More at peace. More fulfilled. More content. More calm. And that’s a great feeling.

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