Saturday, September 25, 2010

I’ve enjoyed watching my family, all but my oldest son who wasn’t able to make the trip, reunited while in Arizona. Can’t get over how much my granddaughter, Makaila, has grown in the three weeks since I left here. Though I’ve been getting tons of photos and even a video of her growth progress, seeing her in person makes is so much more real.

No longer does she resemble a fragile little baby. Now, she’s able to hold her head up, track events happening around her, interact, in her own baby way, and is still capturing the hearts of those who come in contact with her. And that brings me to one of the best parts of having us here.

I’ve enjoyed watching how each and every family member interacts with her, now that she can react back. What a treat it is to witness the protective maternal instincts of my one daughter, Kai’s mom, in full swing. My other daughter, take on the role of devoted auntie. My youngest son, try to maintain his cool as he gushes all over his niece. My husband, literally glow with a flood of fond memories of our kids when they were little while assuming the role of grandfather. And me? I’m radiant, beaming from the inside out with how everything’s working out. How everyone is embracing his or her new role. How I know without a shadow of a doubt that whatever happens in Kai’s life, there’s one thing for sure, she will never know a day without being fiercely loved by her family. Cherished for her worth. Valued as a human being.

As a grandmother, I can’t think of anything better.

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